Friday 19 October 2012

Trust God but,tie your camel

There was once a man who was on his way back home from market with his
camel and, as he had a good day, he decided to stop at a Temple along
the road and offer his thanks to God.

He left his camel outside and spent several hours offering thanks to
God, praying and promising that he will be a good person in the
future, help the poor and be a righteous man.

When he emerged it was already dark and behold – his camel was gone!

He immediately flew into a violent temper and shook his fist at the
sky, yelling: “God! How could you do this to me? I put all my trust in
you and then you have done this to me!”

A passing believer heard the man yelling and chuckled to himself.
“Listen”, he said, “Trust God but, you know, tie up your camel.

Let go and let God.

Letting go and letting God be in control does not mean that we sit
around and do nothing, but rather that we act on the promises of God
and live them out.

Trusting God means both that we wait on him for guidance and direction
– and it also means that we get going in the direction he points us
in. Trusting God means waiting on him for direction, and it also means
using the minds and gifts that he has given us to head in that

As long as we head in that direction in his strength and not in our
own, as long as we continue to trust him along the way and even let
him make mid-course corrections, we can be confident that we are
trusting him and walking in his power and not our own.

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