Sunday, 30 June 2013


We have always used the word "because" for excuses and to reduce our efficiency. But the word "because" is made up of two words -  'be' and 'cause'. BE refers to being involved and 'CAUSE' refers to good work.
     So do not use the word because to give excuses. Instead , use it to empower yourself.

BE A CAUSE in creating change
BE A CAUSE in keeping people happy
BE A CAUSE in making this world a better place !

You must have heard of an OYSTER. It is a small mollusc(soft-bodied) that lives in the sea. Occasionally,a grain of sand enters the oyster's shell and starts irritating the sensitive tissue. But, instead of complaining that 'the sea didn't take care of me ' or 'because the shell was not properly closed', the oyster takes responsibilities of things. With full efficiency it single-mindedly engages in the task of getting rid of the grain of sand.

 By 'becoming a cause', the oyster transforms a common grain of sand into a priceless rare pearl...

Moral :- When ever life throws us an obstacle, instead of complaining ' because of this , because of that' we can simply choose to 'BE(A)CAUSE' and convert that adversity into an opportunity to create something better... :)

Tuesday, 25 June 2013

Its not Chains...Its Beliefs that make you Chained

    When ever you go to a ZOO, did you observe carefully the enclosure where elephant is, most of us don't but you will be surprised to see that this gigantic creature is actually tied to a small wooden post with a rope or a weak chain.

           Considering the mighty strength of this animal don't you think that it should easily be able to break free.. But he doesn't even try , You Know Why?
           Here is the reason, When it is a baby, it is tied to a strong tree with a strong chain. As the baby is weak ,chain and tree are strong so when ever it tries desperately to tug and pull to free itself , but in vain. So one day it accepts that all that tugging and pulling won't help at all, it stops trying and gives up. So it conditions itself to being tied up. Somewhere in deep down in its mind, the elephant knows that any attempt to break free is futile, so it never attempts it.

       So as young children we dream of conquering the world, reaching out for the sky ,fulfilling our dreams and ambitions but a few failures in life and we are convinced that we are powerless against the society.

Moral :- Most of our behavior is also a result of conditioning . Our own beliefs limit our growth.

Saturday, 22 June 2013


Pain  is not the correct word sometimes to describe the status of a particular person involved in love.
    In case of one side love its enormous..Either you be loved one or loving one pain is obvious. Loving one will always have the pain, but the other person on the one side relationship thread who is being loved will also need to endure pain. This is beacuse they need to be rude sometimes which they dont like to be.. They need to explain sometimes.. They need to think on stopping the other one from loving them.. They need to console them.. They need to passify them.. And so on..
     This is nothing but some kind of mental pressure or mental torture to them .. So sometimes loving too much is also hazardous you and your loved ones health.. If it is for loving one its okay but its the others who will suffer due to too much of love.. Believe me it sucks to be a loved one rather than being loving one.. So create some boundaries..

Too much of any thing even good or bad is danger

Wednesday, 12 June 2013


Sometimes I confuse between **BRANDING** and **BOASTING** . 
         People will mainly focus on boasting about their funny(!!) little successes. But my question is will this boasting really works? 
      The answer is *YES* . When we try to boast ourselves over a period of time people will start believing in you..but will it last long(??) now the answer is *NO* . Here comes the role of branding. 
          In my view a simple difference between these two is.. 
  Boasting is a girl with makeup and branding is beauty with makeup..A girl with makeup will be beautiful as long as makeup is there..but a beauty with or without makeup will be a beauty.. Makeup is just an add-on to beauty.. So just stop believing in materialistic sense of human nature which will look for a makeup..start branding yourself .. Propagate the advantages of what you are rather than what you are not.....
 Source ---- Pavan Kumar

Philosophy Of Love

In my view the ultimate philosophy of love is not the successfully living with your loved one. Its something beyond that. If you have loved someone unconditionally then it will not have a failure.

           Loving means only success...even though you may or may not be together or your loved one may not accept your love, Even then you are a successful person.

        In my life after loving a girl I have learnt the real essence of has showed me a path to greater heights.. I started loving myself and world around me.. Love taught me ethics, humbleness, patience, winning, losing, suffering and many more... Now I'm a better person than what I'm before love.

         The ultimate challenge is to make your loved one feel proud of you someday that you have love(ing) them.. Wait and strive for that day.. Dont feel bad if you dont like this msg.. Its just my view ;) :)